Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 95 Numéro 1674

Date 15 mars 1895
Comté Kings
Lieu Sussex
Journal Kings County Record

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Our painful duty today is to chronicle the death of Counc. A.I. KIERSTEAD, which sad event took place at his home in Collina, Studholm (Kings Co.) at an early hour Friday morn. Mr. Kierstead's illness began on Sunday eve., the first symptom of which was a severe pain in the right ankle. After a short time a similar affection seized his right wrist and for two days the pain in the ankle and wrist were very severe. After that the severity of the pain somewhat subsided, but the disease, rheumatic fever, seemed to be steadily moving towards a fatal termination. Mr. Kierstead was twice married, his first wife being Maggie McDONALD d/o Allan McDONALD of Brunswick (Queens Co.). This Mrs. Kierstead died about 34 years ago leaving a son, Stanley KIERSTEAD, now of Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. Kierstead several years after married Miss Amy SCOVIL, a sister of G.G. SCOVIL, M.P.P. who, with a daughter, survive him. Mr. Kierstead for many years served his county as a member of the Municipal Council. The funeral took place Monday afternoon at the cemetery, Belleisle Creek under the auspices of the S.of T., of which order deceased had been a member for upwards of forty years. Rev. A.J. Creswell of Springfield performed the last sad rites.
