Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 35 Numéro 974

Date 17 août 1874
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal The Daily Telegraph

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

On Saturday morn., the citizens of St. John learned that R.L. HAZEN, Recorder of St. John and Senator of Canada was dead. Mr. HAZEN was born in Fredericton in 1808 and therefore in his 66th year. He was the youngest s/o William HAZEN, a gentleman who held the commission of captain in the Kings New Brunswick Rangers and the offices of Sheriff of Saint John and Treasurer of New Brunswick. The gentleman was the the s/o Hon. William HAZEN whose ancestor Edward HAZEN of Northumberland, England was one of the Massachusetts Colonists of 1628. William HAZEN was one of the pioneer settlers and land holders of this Province and long a Member of our Executive Council as it was constituted under the old regime. On the mother's side, R.L. HAZEN was a grandson of Col. John MURRAY, celebrated Loyalist of Rutland, Mass., who accompanied the Royal Army under command of Sir William Howe to Halifax in 1776. From Halifax, Col. MURRAY removed to N.B. and settled at Maugerville. He subsequently moved to (St. John) city in which he died in 1794. Mr. HAZEN was educated at Saint John Grammar School, of which he was Director at the time of his death. He also held for some years a seat in the Council of King's College, now the University of N.B. He devoted himself to the study of law under Messrs. Robert & Neville Parker. He was called to the bar in 1831, created Queen's Counsel in 1843. In 1837 he married Sarah BOTSFORD eldest d/o Hon. Judge BOTSFORD. She died in February 1867. Of several children, only one survives, Capt. Frank HAZEN. Mr. HAZEN became recorder of St. John in 1846. Immediately prior to that event, Mr. HAZEN was Counsel of the inhabitants of Carleton in their suit in Equity and the Corporation. Mr. HAZEN represented the City of St. John in the House of Assembly from 1837 to 1849. In latter years he accepted a seat in the Legislative Council which he held until 1867 when he was nominated a Senator of Canada.
