Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 74 Numéro 3557

Date 13 mai 1889
Comté Westmorland
Lieu Moncton
Journal The Times

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

A. McKAY, one of the oldest residents of Monctobn, formerly an extensive contractor and shipbuilder, strolled into the 'Times' office the other day and was engaged in conversation about the 'good old times'. Thirty years ago last Friday, Mr. McKay, then a comparatively young man, removed with his wife and family to Salisbury (West. Co.) where he had secured a contract for the erection of the station buildings etc. of the European and North American railway (now part of the Intercolonial) which was then in the course of construction. There was no very good road to Salisbury and as there was considerable swamp, their wagon stuck fast. The journey was accomplished with some difficulty and there being no houses in the vicinity, Mr. McKay proceeded to erect a rough board shanty in which himself and family passed the summer. As a result of the season's work, Mr. Mckay cleared $2000 and did the job so satisfactorily that he was offered other buildings at the same rate. Sir Leonrad Tilley was in the provincial government at the time, Mr. LIGHT, C.E., being at the head of the work. But Mr. McKay had 'shipbuilding on the brain', as he expressed it, and returned to Moncton to commence work in the yard then recently deserted by the Salters, who had failed after a long struggle against adverse fortune. Mr. McKay was for many years identified with shipbuilding in Moncton. Among those who worked for him in various capacities were William GIBSON and John GIBSON, James FORBES and others still living in Moncton and many who have since moved away. (see original)
