Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 49 Numéro 860

Date 2 janvier 1879
Comté Charlotte
Lieu Saint Andrews
Journal Bay Pilot

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

The 'Independent', a little newspaper published at Cherry Creek, Nevada under sate Nov. 16th, 1878 gives a lengthy report of a foul murder of a New Brunswicker, and a former resident of Charlotte County where his father, two sisters and a brother now reside; also a brother and sister now residing in Wisconsin, U.S. - It appears a quarrel occurred between the deceased, Joseph KERR and a young man, Walter COX on election day and that Cox had nursed his wrath ever after; until they met at a saloon on 11th Nov., when Cox used insulting word to Kerr, which occasioned Kerr to step towards Cox; when Cox, with Revolver took delberate aim at his victim and fired two shots in rapid succession, the first shot passing through Kerr's heart. Mr. Kerr at once sank to the floor exclaiming 'My God, I am shot! I am gone!' He was conveyed to a lodging house and in four or five minutes breathed his last. On the perpetration of this bloody deed, the murderer flourished his pistol high over his head, threatening death to any man who would lay hands on him; but a man by the name of Henry at once arrested him, and took him to the lock-up. There was a strong disposition manifested to make him dangle by the end of a rope instanter, but he was taken under police escort to Hamilton Jail, to take his trial for the wilful murder. The 'Indepenedent' has an extensive obituary on the death of Mr. Kerr. Thus concludes the editor: Marry in the spring of 1876 an estimable lady, Mrs. CALDER, a widow with three children, to whom he had endeared himself as husband and step-father. Deceased, in addition to his step children, left a little daughter 19 months old. Mr. Kerr, father of the deceased, lives in Tryon Settlement and is hale and hearty, tho' counting his age at 96 years.
