Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 92 Numéro 207

Date 20 septembre 1894
Comté Charlotte
Lieu Saint Andrews
Journal St. Andrews Beacon

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

75 years ago, on 19th Sept., the Stevenson family arrived in St. Andrews from Scotland. This year the reunion took place at the residence of Thomas C. Stevenson, St. Stephen. Of the second generation the only one present was Mrs. Margaret STEVENSON of St. Andrews, widow of James STEVENSON. Of the third generation there were present: Mrs. Belle HARRISON, Thos. C. STEVENSON, Mrs. Alice STEVENSON, Robt. STEVENSON, Fred A. STEVENSON, George E. IRVIN, Hugh STEVENSON, Mrs. Amy MALONEY, Mrs. Maggie DEWOLFE, Mrs. Maggie GLINCH, Mrs. Janet McGETCHIE, Mrs. Mary PRICE, Miss Georgie STEVENSON, Chas. DEWOLFE, Thomas McGETCHIE and Edward PRICE. The fourth generation was represented by Mrs. Lilly MACHUM, Mrs. Elva GRIMMER, Robert Watson GRIMMER, Miss Nettie HARRISON, Harry S. STEVENSON, Janet STEVENSON, Alex. STEVENSON, Miss Minnie STEVENSON, Miss Emma PRICE, Miss Ruth PRICE, Master Ralph PRICE, Elwell DEWOLFE, Duncan McGETCHIE and Misses McGETCHIE. Officers were chosen as follows: Stymest STEVENSON, Nebraska, president; John W. STEVENSON, Elmsville, vice president; Thomas C. Stevenson, St. Stephen, secretary treasurer; Fred A. Stevenson, St. Andrews; Thomas McGetchie, St. Stephen; Harry Stevenson, St. Stephen; Elwell DeWolfe, St. Stephen; George E. Irvin, Boston, Mass.
