Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 19 Numéro 1364

Date 28 février 1862
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal Religious Intelligencer

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

A frightful accident has occurred on our railway attended with the loss of life. It appears that while the passenger train was standing at the Rothesay Station, a down wood train ran into it at full speed, killing two persons immediately and wounding several others. The Colonial Empire gives the following report of Hon. J.H. GRAY who escaped uninjured and of the superintendent, Mr. CARVELL. (see original) ... There was 12 to 15 persons in the first class car at the time of the fatal occurrence. Two - Miss WETMORE, age about 20, sister of O.D. WETMORE, Esq. and her nephew, Master YOUNGHUSBAND, aged about 12 were instantly killed. The following persons were severely injured: John TUCKER, Esq., Lloyd's Surveyor of Shipping - head badly bruised and fears of serious internal injury; Mr. DEMILL of Hampton (Kings Co.), had bodily injuries; Mr. MOODY of Pictou, N.S., ribs badly broken; A.R. WETMORE, Esq., head cut; Mr. McARTHUR, Innkeeper at Sussex, bad scalp wounds; and a lady whose name we did not learn. Miss DAVIDSON, Rothesay and several others slightly injured. The News corrects this statement, by saying it was John McARTHUR, Esq., farmer, Sussex and not McARTHUR, Innkeeper; and that Mr. GRAY was not a passenger on the train, but standing at the time on the platform. On Thursday, Rufus A. STOCKTON, Esq., Coroner for Kings Co. empannelled a jury.
