Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 59 Numéro 3641

Date 25 janvier 1883
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal The Daily Sun

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

A 'Sun' reporter in quest of information called upon Robert EWING at his residence High St., Portland (St. John)- 'In my 19th year', said Mr. Ewing, '20th May 1825, I sailed from Moville for St. John in the good ship "James and Henry Cummin", Ben. STANTON, master. We arrived at the mouth of the Bay about 20th June in a dense fog; got a pilot off Musquash and cast anchor a mile from Partridge Island about 11 p.m. still in a thick fog. Next morn. at 11 o'clock the wind from the north swept off the fog and I saw land for the first time, while still lying a mile from the Island. I was brought in a boat to Simond's Point and jumped asjore at low water at 6 p.m., 22nd June 1825, on the spot where Rankine's store now stands. I have lived in Portland ever since, with but two brief exceptions. One year 1827, I was engaged at the building of King's College, Fredericton and another year 1860 at the Nashwaak mills as superintendent for Messrs. Robert Rankin & Co. I served Robert Rankin & Co. about 30 years as a joiner, wharf builder, surveyor and shipper of lumber, etc. and Alexander GIBSON for seven years, shipping his lumber. I am now living and have ever lived within 500 feet of the spot where I first touched land in New Brunswick. I built the first close-faced wharf in the harbor and all the Rankin wharves in Portland and Carleton, except that on which their store stands. In the year 1832 I built the two Machias Seal Island lighthouses and the keeper's house. (see original for other subjects: Robert RANKIN & Co., large fires, condition of streets, sloops of 1825, first steamer, merchants and trade with West Indies)
