Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 86 Numéro 3083

Date 11 janvier 1893
Comté Westmorland
Lieu Moncton
Journal The Times

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

d. At the Convent of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Memramcook (West. Co.) Jan. 4th, 1893, Sister M. CLEOPHAS, Superioress, 54th year. Miss Mary MORRIS, in religion, Sister Mary Cleophas, was born 54 years ago at Keswick (York Co.) Her parents were Irish Catholics, he father being one of the substantial yeoman of that county. It was at his house that in those early days the few and scattered Catholics of the district assembled when the priest came at rare intervals to minister to their spiritual wants. This generous hospitality was rewarded in the daughter to whom God gave a vacation to the religious life. Thirty years ago she entered the community of the Sister of Charity at St. John as a novice, and from that day till the day of her death she was a loyal subject of the order. The greater part of her life was spent in the mother house in St. John. During that time she became well known to the Catholics of the city. For years she was directress of the Children of Mary and Sacristan to the Cathedral. In 1880 she was appointed to the charge of St. Patrick's Orphan Asylum at Silver Falls. Her administration was so successful that within two years she was transferred to the more responsible position of Superioress of the Convent of the Sacred Heart at Memramcook. That was in 1882. The funeral of Sister M. Cleophas took place Friday afternoon. The services at the convent were conducted by Rev. Father LeBlanc the chaplain, assisted by Revs. W.C. Gaynor and P.P. Arsenault, as deacon and sub-deacon. The pall bearers were A.W. MEAHAN, J.B. FLEURANT, G.H. WHALEN, J.W. SIRVIS, M.J. COUGHLAN, F. POIRIER, Jos. HAYES and R. ROBICHAUD.
