Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 67 Numéro 2384

Date 26 octobre 1887
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal The Daily Telegraph

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

An Interview with the 'Telegraph': Dr. Samuel G. WOODFORDE Talks of Men Half a Century Ago - Fredericton In the Days of Its Glory. - Dr, Woodforde was born in Fredericton, April 20, 1823. Said the doctor 'My father, Dr. William WOODFORDE was born at Ansford House, Somersetshire, England; he served as assistant surgeon on the peninsula under Wellington and was wounded at the seige of Badaioz. He came to New Brunswick with the 104th Regt., 1812-1813, as assistant surgeon and accompanied it on its memorable march to Quebec. Later he returned to Fredericton where he practiced medecine for many years and married Lucy Ann MILLER daughter of Col. MILLER, a loyalist, who was in command of one of the provincial regiments, and by whom he reared a family of two boys and two girls. Mrs. MILLER was a sister of Judge WINSLOW of the supreme court of Massachusetts. The eldest d/o Col. Miller married Hon. Col. Harris HAILES, once president of this Province. She and her husband are buried in the old graveyard at Fredericton. They had one son, Harris HAILES who was a Lt. Col. in the British army and died in England many years since. Col. Miller's youngest son, Samuel MILLER, was not imbued with his father's loyalty, and at the time of his death, which occurred at Philadelphia, was second in command of the U.S. Marines. Edward Winslow MILLER, second s/o Col. Miller, married Mary WINSLOW a d/o late Judge Winslow. They had 14 or 15 children, most of whom died young. Their only daughter married the late Chief Justice. Sir James CARTER and died in Fredericton, leaving two or three sons, one of whom is now a captain in the British army. The late Henry SMITH, J.P. and merchant of Fredericton married another daughter of Col. Miller; they reared four sons and one daughter who married the late D. Ludlow ROBINSON of Fredericton and left two daughters, the eldest one of whom was the first wife of Dr. George Moutain ODELL. Woodeford SMITH, late deputy provincial secretary, is their only surviving child. Woodeford Smith's eldest daughter became the wife of late Dr. Thomas GREGORY.' - Dr. Woodeford relit his pipe and resumed - 'I told you that my father married Lucy Ann MILLER. ... My father built and occupied for many years the old house with a verandah in the front that stands on Brunswick St. near the Cathedral. After many years he returned to Somersetshire where he died.' 'There was Col. SHORE, captain of the 104th Regt. He married Henrietta SAUNDERS d/o late Chief Justice SAUNDERS. Col. Shore's eldest son, John SHORE was killed with most of his officers at the head of his regiment in the Punjaub. Another son of Col. Shore was Rev. Wm SHORE, late curate of St. Paul's who died in England. He married the eldest d/o late Charles KETCHUM, barrister of Fredericton. - 'Another gentleman of whom I have a distinct recollection', resumed Dr. Woodeforde, 'was Harry CLOPPER s/o Garrick HOPPER, who was formerly an officer in one of the provincial regiments. He married Mary Ann KETCHUM eldest d/o Richard KETCHUM of Woodstock; he was the first president of the Central Bank of Fredericton and died about 50 years ago. They had two daughters, one of whom married Dr. Charles PETERS and the other is the wife of Geo. BOTSFORD, Esq., Fredericton. Lucy Ann CLOPPER, the eldest sister of Harry Clopper, was the wife of the late Charles SIMONDS of Portland (St. John). - 'I spoke', continued the doctor, 'of the marriage of Col. Shore to a d/o Chief Justice SAUNDERS, president of the Legislative Council. - ( Reporter: Tell me something of yourself) -'My story is brief', answered the doctor, 'I went to England in 1835 or 1836; studied my profession at Gray's Hospital and graduated in Germany in 1840. I was in London at the coronation and marriage of Queen Victoria, watched the burning of the armory tower from London Bridge, heard Peel and O'Connor speak in Parliament, attended the funeral of Sir Astley Cooper from Guy's Hospital, saw Wellington and Lord Brougham frequently and returned to this Province in 1843 or 1844. My eldest sister married the late John GRANT, civil engineer, of Fredericton and now resides in London with her daughter, Mrs. William LOYS. Mrs. Woodforde is the d/o late Rev. Abram WOOD, rector of Cambridge (Queens Co.)
