Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 71 Numéro 2029

Date 1 mars 1888
Comté Charlotte
Lieu Saint Andrews
Journal Bay Pilot

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Alexander CAMPBELL, died in Oakland, Ca. at his residence on Orchard street. He was well known as a leading lawyer and practiced chiefly in San Francisco where his office is located. Mr. Campbell was a native of St. Andrews, N.B., age 79. His funeral will occur tomorrow at 2 o'clock. He came from his home in N.B. around Cape Horn in the ship "Fanny" in 1851 and after a short stay in San Francisco went to Oregon where he practiced law for a number of years. In 1856 he returned to California and located in San Francisco after which he moved to Oakland where he resided until the time of his death. He was director of the San Francisco Savings Union. He leaves six children: Mrs. Vernon JONES, Miss Jessie CAMPBELL, Henry C. CAMPBELL, Mrs. Wm DeFREMERY, Colin CAMPBELL and Donald Y. CAMPBELL - San Francico 'Daily Examiner', Fe\b. 17. - The gentleman above was the eldest son of late Colin CAMPBELL, Esq., High Sheriff of Charlotte Co. and a nephew of G.F. CAMPBELL, Esq., postmaster of St. Andrews. He was born in the old Cruikshank house, situated on the corner of Water and Elizabeth streets. He was the last survivor of a family of eleven. He was admitted to the Bar of N.B. in 1832 and practiced law in St. Stephen up to 1848 when he removed to St. John, where he remained until 1852. In that year he sailed from St. Stephen for California in the Eastman ship that carried as freight to the Pacific coast the steamer "S.B. Wheeler".
