Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 98 Numéro 159

Date 7 novembre 1895
Comté Westmorland
Lieu Sackville
Journal Chignecto Post

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

The death of John A. HUMPHREY of Humphrey's Mills on Sabbath afternoon last, although not unexpected by his friends, came with a shock to the public. It is believed that the primary cause of his death was the result of an accident which occurred a few years ago. Mr. Humphrey was born at Old Maccan, Cumberland Co., N.S., 23rd Dec. 1823 and was consequently in the 72nd year of his age. He was the second s/o William HUMPHREY and Mary Trueman HUMPHREY. The father and mother of William Humphrey, the grandparents of the now deceased, came from Yorkshire, England in 1775 to Halifax and purchased a farm at Falmouth, near Windsoe, where they remained until 1797, when the elder Humphrey died. Three years later his widow and five children removed to Sackville, N.B. where William, the second surviving son, married in 1821, Mary TRUEMAN d/o William TRUEMAN, who also had emigrated from Yorkshire, England in 1775 and settled at Point de Bute. Shortly after marriage the young couple removed to Southampton, N.S. where John Albert HUMPHREY was born. Here and subsequently at Amherst and at Mount Allison Wesleyan Academy, Sackville, he received his education. Leaving school he entered upon a business career, managing a general milling business for his father from 1845 to 1849 when he removed to Moncton or 'The Bend', which was then a shipbuilding place of some importance and purchased the mills which have ever since borne his name. The deceased married in 1855, Sarah Jane HARRIS, the eldest d/o Michael S. HARRIS, one of the leading shipbuilders and merchants of his time and sister of Messrs. John L. HARRIS and Christopher P. HARRIS of Moncton. His widow and four children, three daughters and one son survive him. The daughters are Sarah LOCKHART w/o L.D. LOCKHART, who has for many years been associated with the deceased as manager of the saw mill business; Jane HUMPHREY and Mary HUMPHREY, unmarried and William F. HUMPHREY who had the management of the large business that has been carried on under Mr. Humphrey's supervision for the past ten years. When a splendid physique, with a mind of more than ordinary grasp, with an ingrained honesty of purpose that never varied, John A. Humphrey was a model man in almost every relationship of life.
