Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 66 Numéro 434

Date 9 janvier 1886
Comté York
Lieu Fredericton
Journal The Fredericton Evening Capital

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Half a century ago when the rear of the city presented a much more rural espect, on a lot or corner of a field at the corner of George and York streets, a church of modest dimensions was being erected. This was the first and only Presbyterian Church in Fredericton until the erection of the Free Kirk on Brunswick St., and that, owing to the union of all Presbyterian bodies in Canada, is now disused. Previous to 1829-30, adherents to the Presbyterian faith met in the Old Tank House which stood on the side of City Hall. Mr. HOWDEN. a lay preacher, used to hold forth with much acceptance there. The erection of old St. Paul's was decided upon at a meeting held Feb. 17th, 1829 and Wm TAYLOR, Thomas STEWART, James AITKEN, Thomas B. STEWART, James WILCOX, James TAYLOR and Thomas B. ROBINSON were appointed a committee to carry out the necessary arrangements. The lot upon which the church was built was a gift from William TAYLOR. Before the incorporation of the church in 1833, Rev. Ebenezer JOHNSTON discharged the duties of pastor. Rev. D. BIRKMYRE, A.M. of Scotland was inducted Nov. 4th, 1832 and remained in charge for ten years. His successor was Rev. John BROOKE, afterwards by conferment of degree from King's College, Dr. Brooke. He was inducted July 11th, 1843. For upwards of 25 years, Dr. Brooke attended the duties of his charge unaided. From 1868 to 1874 there was a succession of assistant ministers. In the latter year, Rev. S. HALLEY resigned, and Dr. Brooke intimated his desire to retire from active duties. Rev. CAVEN of Tilsonburg was appointed as Dr. Brooke's successor in 1876 and resigned his position in 1878. The next clergyman to take charge was its present pastor. The Old Kirk was moved to its present position in the fall of 1882 and work on the new structure was commenced. The old bell has been placed in the belfry of the new church. It was cast in 1832 by Miller & Co. of Glasgow, Scotland (see original for physical description of new church). The present Pastor of St. Paul's, Rev. A.J. MOWATT, was born at Woodstock, but passed the greater portion of his childhood at Harvey (York Co.). He attended for two winters the Collegiate School here under the late Dr. Roberts and Charles Coster and worshipped at St. Paul's. He took his arts course at the Presbyterian College, Truro, N.S. He studied theology under the late Dr. Thring of Halifax; was licenced to preach May 1st, 1866 by the Presbytery of Pictou, N.S.; was ordained by the same Presbytery at Stellarton on 5th June 1866 and remained in charge of the church there for seven years. He removed to Windsor, N.S. on July 8th, 1873 and was pastor of St. John church there for over six years. He came to this city and was inducted over St. Paul's on January 8th, 1880.
