Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 99 Numéro 1237

Date 9 septembre 1895
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal The Daily Telegraph

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

A shooting accident, which at first it was thought would prove fatal, occurred about 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon at a place near Dunn's Rocks in Courtenay Bay. A 15 year old boy, son of D. O'NEILL of Messrs. O'Neill Bros. of the country market, received the wound and it is not quite certain who shot him. The young fellow, whose name is James O'NEILL was bathing with some companions at Dunn's rocks. He had just gone ashore and was dressing when the sharp crack of a rifle was heard and O'Neill fell forward on his face. The other boys quickly picked him up and were horrified to see a terrible wound in his left side from which the blood was pouring in streams. One of the boy's ran to inform O'Neill's father and others got word to the police who notified Dr. D. Berryman. The latter drove with all haste to the scene of the accident. He did all that was posible to relieve the wounded boy of his sufferings and a little later the victim was taken to his home on St. David Street. The bullet struck the left arm, went through the upper portion of it, passed through the body and came out through the back. It passed within an inch of the heart. The ball, which had been fired from one of the rifles used by the local volunteers, was found near where the boy fell and it is now in the possession of Chief of Police Clarke. Chief Clarke began right after the accident to find out who had fired the shot. He soon learned that Albert SHAW, age 17 and Angus McAFEE, 18 years old, who live on the City Road, had been in the vicinity of the accident with shot guns and they were arrested. Later on it was ascertained that James T. FERRIS, age 22 and Alex. FERRIS, age 20, of the North End, had been shooting about Courtenay Bay with a military rifle and they were also taken into custody. They say they were near young O'Neill and his companions and fired four shots from the rifle. James Ferris fired the last one, and as he did so, he says a dog they had with them jumped on the gun. He did not know that anyone had been hit and he and Alex. went to Drury's range to practice with a company of Fusiliers. Both young men are respectable and certainly did not intentional wound young O'Neill. Dr. Holden is now attending the injured boy. He was resting quite easily last night and the chances are that he will recover.
