Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 75 Numéro 3162

Date 19 décembre 1890
Comté York
Lieu Fredericton
Journal The Gleaner

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

The death of John EDGECOMBE took place at about 15 minutes to ten last night, 18th inst. He had been confined to his room for about three weeks with haemorrhage of the bowels. The deceased was born in Devonshire, England and when about 23 years of age came to New Brunswick and went into carriage painting at St. John. After a short time he removed to St. Andrews, but not pleased with the business there, came to Fredericton. His first wife was Miss KATER, a native of his own country. They were married in this province and had two children, Mrs. Thos. KNOWLES and Mrs. Wm STERLING of Nashwaak (York Co.). Three years after their coming to Fredericton Mrs. Edgecomb died. His second wife was Jane TODD who was at his side when he breathed his last. If he had lived till April, they would have seen the 15th anniversary of their wedded life. The children by the second marriage are William J. EDGECOMBE, Alfred G. EDGECOMBE, Frederic B. EDGECOMBE, Albert W. EDGECOMB, Hedley V. EDGECOMB, Norman A. EDGECOMBE and Arthur C. EDGECOMBE, all of whom are still living and Charles EDGECOMBE a young man who was killed on the Fredericton Branco railway fifteen years since. William, Alfred and Norman have entered the business with their father. Fred B., Albert and Hedley are in the dry goods business, one of the city's largest establishments. and Arthur for some time has been in the Postal dept. After the deceased came to this city he formed a partnership with Joseph STENTIFORD and opened up a shop for the manufacture of carriages in a small building near Wilmot's Alley. Mr. Edgecomb visited his old home in Ashburton, England about thirty years since, accompanied by his eldest daughter. Although absent for many years, he found his parents, three brothers and one sister well. His parents lived to be 90 years of age. One brother is now living at the age of 91, one at 80 years and one younger than himself. For sixty years he has been a member of the Methodist Church. The funeral will take place Sabbath afternoon. (see original)
