Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 60 Numéro 3466

Date 3 octobre 1883
Comté Westmorland
Lieu Moncton
Journal The Times

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Mrs. MARSHALL, as we shall call her for convenience (she is generally known as Mrs. McMONAGLE), age about 40, lives with her mother in a small house on Wesley St. nearly opposite Peters Woodenware factory, Moncton. They keep boarders and have done so for a number of years. Yesterday morn. Mr. Marshall entered the house about 8 o'clock while she was kneading bread at a table in the kitchen. The only two persons about were her sons Hugh McMONAGLE and Howie McMONAGLE, age 12 or 15 years old. Marshall intimated he would do her injury if she did not accede to his request to go live with him. This she refused to do, saying she was not his lawful wife and did not intend to live with him again. It was then Marshall withdrew his hands from his pockets and levelled his revolver which he had concealed at his victim's head. The shot took effect in the neck, going through in a slanting direction. Though not affecting and vital parts, the wound is dangerous and may result in death. Tstimony of Ruth McMONAGLE. The prisoner's full name is Edward Manning MARSHALL, having been named after a Baptist Minister of Nova Scotia. He is apparently about 55 years of age and seems more than ordinary intelligent. He was born in Annapolis and worked his trade as carpenter in N.S. and N.B. He came to this Province about 25 years ago and has worked at Salisbury, Petitcodiac, St. John and other places. For the past five years he has chiefly been employed at farming in Kent Co. Marshall married a Miss MOFFATT of Salisbury (West. Co.) some 15 years ago, or thereabouts. They did not live happily together and were frequently separated. She died about three years ago. One son, a child, aged about 14, is now living at Coal Branch. Marshall was married to Mrs. McMonagle a little over a year ago. They went from here to Saint John to get married. They lived at his place at Pollett River for a while, but separated in a few months. Mrs. McMonagles first husband, Joseph McMONAGLE, son of Hugh McMONAGLE, is still living, though they separated years ago. He is now married again in Nova Scotia. He was a farmer and at the time of his first marriage lived in Salisbury Parish on Butternut Ridge road about three miles from Petitcodiac station. Mrs. Marshall's (or Mrs. McMonagle) name was Ruth WHITE, her mother the widow BEATTY having been three times married. Since coming to Moncton the last time, Marshall has been working in Lea and Rogers woodenware factory. (see original)
