Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 24 Numéro 1891

Date 3 novembre 1866
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal Morning Telegraph

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

(From St. Croix Courier) James G. STEVENS, M.P.P. (Member Provincial Parliament), native of City of Edinburgh, Scotland, was born in 1822. He received his education at University of Edinburgh and studied mental science under the late Sir William HAMILTON, Professor of Metaphysics. He is the son of Andrew STEVENS, one of the Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Scotland and one of the Freemen of the City of Edinburgh. Mr. STEVENS is descended in direct line from Scottish nobility being the grandson, by his mother's side, of Sir Colin CAMPBELL, the laird of Auchenbreck in Argyle- shire. His maternal aunt was the first wife of the celerated Sir John RICHARDSON. Many of the Presbyterian communities will remember the labors of a brother, Andrew STEVENS; another brother recently deceased was a physician of considerable note; and his only surviving uncle is now a resident in Edinburgh as a retired chief surgeon in the East India Army after a service there of over 40 years. James STEVENS came to America in September 1840, in company with his brother, the clergyman, but was induced to remain at St. Stephen (Charlotte Co.) N.B. where he entered the law office of Alex. CAMPBELL, Esq., now Judge CAMPBELL of California, as a student of law. He remained in Mr. CAMPBELL's office for four years and then completed his course by one year's study in the office of David Shanks KERR, Esq., who at that time was practicing his profession in City of Fredericton (York Co.) In 1845, Mr. STEVENS opened an office in this Town and began the practice of law on his own account. In the course of his residence here, he has been Director in the Bank upwards ten years, Director in the St. Andrews & Quebec Railway, 14 years President of St. Croix Agricultural Society and in 1861 elected to Secretary to the Provincial Board of Agriculture. In 1861 he was elected a member of the House (of Assembly) until March 1865. (see original)
