Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 86 Numéro 758

Date 26 décembre 1893
Comté York
Lieu Fredericton
Journal The Gleaner

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Samuel YERXA, well known farmer of Queensbury (York Co.) died in Boston at the residence of his son, William YERXA Saturday last. He had not been in good health since last autumn and at his son's invitation went to him about a month ago in the hope that a change would do him good. The remains arrived here this afternoon and the funeral takes place tomorrow. Barclay YERXA and Ludlow YERXA of this city are sons of the deceased. Mrs. Yerxa, wife of the deceased, is also in Boston very ill.
