Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 26 Numéro 230

Date 7 avril 1868
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal Morning Telegraph

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Election of Mr. CUDLIP to the Local Legislature. The following is a list of his nominors, the names of those mong them (as far as known) who voted for Union two years ago, being given (underlined). (see original) Robert REED, J.V. TROOP, L. DONALDSON, L.H. DeVEBER, Charles WARD, J.V. THURGAR, Wm LIVINGSTONE, Francis FERGUSON, Alex. Petrie, Henry GILBERT, Robert ROBERTSON, James VERNON, John McSWEENY, Wm A. LAWTON, Francis RUDDOCK, George V. NOWLIN, Jmh. HARRISON, Arthur McDONALD, Joseph RUDDOCK, Francis Collins, Edward SEARS, Thomas MERRITT, John McGRATH, Thomas GILBERT, Jas. GAULT, D.J. McLAUGHLIN, A. McTAVISH, Thomas E. MILLEDGE, Wm M. McLEAN, Simeon JONES, Lewis RIVERS, James McFARLANE, Stephen P. WETMORE, Benjamin APPLEBY, Joseph BEATTEAY, Henry S. BECK, John VASSIE, Chas. PATTON, Wm N. VENNING, J. MANSON, W. ELLMAN, Charles DRURY, Geo. A. LOCKHART, J.D. LEWIN, Samuel STRANGE, Solomon HERSEY, Wm DAVIDSON, G.S. BAKER, B. LINGLEY, Robert F. HAZEN, R. KELTIE, Alex. RANKIN, Thomas McLACHLAN, W. JACK, J. TUCKER, James REED John GILLIS, George F. EVERETT, W. KENNEDY, John SMITH, Thomas HATHEWAY, J.W.M. IRISH, John ANDERSON, John CLARK, Charles KETCHUM, C.M. GARDNER, Charles MERRITT, Henry MELICK, James STACKHOUSE, John WILSON, Jr., G.H. LAWRENCE, R.N. KNIGHT, Thomas O'MAHONEY, Peter CORMACK, Charles CLERKE, James TRAVIS, Wm J. BERTON, S.R. THOMPSON.
