Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 92 Numéro 2982

Date 6 juillet 1894
Comté Westmorland
Lieu Moncton
Journal The Times

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

In 1818 Marin GIROUARD was married to Suzanne DOUCETTE of Point Sapin (Kent Co.) and had ten children, seven sons and three daughters. The sons were John Baptiste GIROUARD, father of Edward GIROUARD, barrister, Moncton; Beloni GIROUARD, who died about ten years ago; Samuel GIROUARD, Oliver GIROUARD and David GIROUARD who died before attaining manhood; and Antoine GIROUARD, Esq. who was elected to the House of Assembly in 1870 and represented the County of Kent until until the general election of 1874, when he was appointed Sheriff of Kent by the King-Frazer government, a position he held until the year 1887 when W. Wheten, Esq., ex-Sheriff, succeeded him in that office. Marin Girouard was for the greater part of his younger days connected with lumbering and milling. He built a saw mill on the Pick Cove, a branch of the Buctouche River about 50 years ago which he operated for a number of years and afterwards sold to the late Robert B. CUTLER, ex-M.P. for Kent. He told many vivid stories portraying the hardships the settlers on the Buctouche River had when the only mode of travel up and down the river was by canoe in the summer and hand sleds on the ice in the winter, there being no roads nor bridges in those days. He tells of going to Miramichi with a handsled for supplies. In those days flour was $30 per bbl. He also went from Buctouche to Fredericton several times on snowshoes to interview the government in connection with land grants or aids for roads and bridges. He was always jovial and even witty. His wife died 29 years ago. He leaves five sons and one daughter and a great many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
