Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 22 Numéro 1914

Date 9 août 1864
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal Saint John Globe

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

The employees of the E.& N.. Railway as a mark of their respect and esteem for Mr. CARVILL, the Superintendent of the Road, who is about to leave the situation which he has so long and ably filled, have presented that gentleman with a valuable Gold Watch and Chain accompanied by an Address: Presented to Lewis CARVILL, General Superintendent by the Employees od the European and North American Railway St. John 3 August 1864: (see original for Address) (signed) H.A. WHITNEY, Locomotive Sup't.; H.D. McLEOD, Accountant; A. McNAUGHTON, Ticket Agent; William RAINNIE, Track Master; J.E. TRITES, Operator and Clerk; John HUNTER, Car Foreman; Samuel WATSON, Storekeeper; Station Masters: James COLEMAN, C.F. OLIVE, Alex. DAVIDSON, John S. TRITES, Geo. FLEWELLING, W.W. PRICE, A. JOHNSON, R. DAVIDSON, J. JODREY, O.T. STONE; Conductors: Jas. H. BARTLETT, Jas. M. DECKER, Gavin RAINNIE, Robert BUSTIN, W.F. HUMBERT; Engine Drivers: R.M. STEVENS, W.D. AITKEN, Jos. H. MOORE, D.A. SINCLAIR, John FOGARTY; Foreman Track Repairs: James RAFTER, A. McCAFFERTY, Jessie BENNETT, J. McPHERSON, Richard DRIVER, Chas. ROWE, Thos. SIZER, H. KILPATRICK, James WALTON, Wm STIMSON, John HEWLETT
