Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 75 Numéro 739

Date 20 mars 1889
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal The Daily Sun

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

R.J. GILBERT who left St. John last September, is registered at the Royal. Mr. G. said that while in New York he served on the staff of the New York city press. Leaving New York in December he struck out for the Pacific coast stopping on the way at Las Vegas in New Mexico. Preceeding to Pomona in southern California, Mr. Gilbert remained there the greater portion of two weeks. Being possessed of a spirit of adventure he set out with a mule train comprising about 600 men for an alleged gold mine, 79 miles from Pheonix, Arizona. ... Mr. Gilbert returned with the crowd and proceeded to Los Angeles where he took a hand again in newspaper work on the 'Daily Tribune'. Mr. Gilbert next located himself in San Francisco where he worked as a reporter on the 'Examiner'. Among the St. John boys seen in the west was W. STEPHENS, former of R.A. & J. Stewart, who is now a dealer in a canned goods and other groceries at Los Angeles. Mr. MAGEE, formerly doing business on King street, St. John, is in trade as a hatter in the same town. John TAYLOR, who was formerly associated with his father in the tailor business in Carleton, is running a tailor business. H.W. WILSON is also a Los Angeles provision dealer. Rev. BROWN, formerly a rector of Dorchester (West. Co.) was found running a drug store at Pomona. Charles E. SUMNER of Moncton, who was falsely accused of writing the Murchison letter, is a ranch owner at Pomona, where he owns a share in a newspaper. Henry BERRYMAN, brother of the two St. John doctors, was found in San Francisco where he is engaged in large speculations and is said to be quite rich. Another St. John fellow struck was George BARNES, who is a shareholder in the San Francisco 'Call' and Australian correspondent on the Pacific coast. Mr. Gilbert spent Sunday at Salt Lake. He got his first sight of snow for the season at Niagara Falls on the way home. (see original)
