Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 79 Numéro 3488

Date 12 mai 1891
Comté Westmorland
Lieu Moncton
Journal The Times

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

22 persons met their death on the Intercolonial in the last railway year. The fatalities are given as follows in the railway returns: July 2 - Ralph COLPITTS, struck by train while crossing the track with team near Petitcodiac. No inquest; July 6 - William LOVE, walking on the track near Amherst, while intoxicated, fell under train. verdict accidental; Aug. 25 - Alph GINGRAS, struck by a train while lying on track near Harlaka Junction, vedict accidental; Sept. 9 - R. MELANSON, employee, struck by train near Greenville, no inquest; Oct. 26 - J. SUTTON, employee, fell between engine and car near New Mills. verdict. accidental; Dec. 4 -Philip McINNES, fell between cars at Richmond, verdict accidental; Dec. 4 - Octave LACOMB, struck by engine while crossing track with team at St. Ignace, verdict accidental; Dec. 15 - Mrs. C. OUELLET, struck by engine while crossing track with team near Rimouski, verdict accidental; Jan. 5 - A. RUSSELL, employee, head caught between car couplers at Moncton, verdict accidental; Jan. 10 - Jas. McGOWAN, employee, buried under snow plow which left track near Jacquet River, verdict accidental; Jan. 21 - A. MURRAY, train ran off track near Valley, verdict accidental; Feb. 4 - W. WOODEN, employee, struck by train while attempting to get hand car off track near Boundary Creek, no inquest; Feb. 13 - Ulrick MALOUIN, employee, fell under engine near Chaudiere Jct., no inquest; Feb. 27 - James McDOWELL, fell between platform and train at Windsor Junction, verdict accidental; March 12 - James CHRISTIE, employee, run over while walking across track at Penobsquis, verdict accidental; March 18 - A.P. MORIN, employee, fell off train at Riviere de Loup, no inquest; March 27 - James NORMAND, employee, fell of train at Cedar Hall, verdict, accidental; May 11 - Angus GORHAM, employee, team ran into rock that had fallen down embankment at Morrissey's tunnel, verdict accidental; May 17 - Jos. VAUGHAN, run over train while lying on track under influence of liquor near Bloomfield, verdict accidental; May 17 - Alex. MURRAY, employee, fell from car near Hampton, verdict accidental; June 6 - A. McGUIRE, boy, struck by train near Coldbrook, verdict accidental; June 13 - Jas. HUNTER, fell between cars while attempting to get on train near Pictou, verdict accidental.
