Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 86 Numéro 1398

Date 9 novembre 1893
Comté Charlotte
Lieu Saint Stephen
Journal Saint Croix Courier

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Glimpses of the Past - Samuel OSBORNE was doubtless Capt. Osborne of the "Aridue" and it is not probable that he ever saw his land in Morristown (St. Stephen). William MURCHIE came from Paisley, Scotland with his three sons about 1773 and was residing in New York City at the outbreak of the war. He came to Port Matoon and thence to Schoodic with the Loyalists, leaving his eldest son in New York, but bringing with him the two younger, John MURCHIE and Andrew MURCHIE. The latter, though a very frail lad of 15 years, lived to be a rugged man and became the ancestor of most of the lusty race that bear the name in this part of the world today. He was a total abstainer from intoxicating liquors for many years before his death. The summons came to him when he was alone. They found him dead in his chair one eve. with an open bible before him. William Murchie's wife was Miss SIMPSON of Paisley. Andrew married a daughter of Colin CAMPBELL, an officer of the 74th Highland Regt. Thomas GRIMMER belonged to one of the corps disbanded in New York at the time of the evacuation. He was of Irish parentage and probably was born in Ireland; though the family name is said to be of Dutch or German origin. He resided in Philadelphia before the Revolution. At the close of the war he married Lydia WAY of Brooklyn, L.I. who was of Dutch descent and who, like many of the Dutch folk of Long Island, had sought protection within British lines. The eldest son, Thomas, was born in Port Matoon and there were ten children and 44 grandchildren before there was a death in the family. Thomas Grimmer died in 1828 at the age of 69; and his wife at the same age in 1854. Their graves are side by side in the old churchyard where so many of the founders of St. Stephen are buried. Jesse GRIMMER of Old Ridge is their youngest son. Benj. BURGESS, known as Capt. Burgess, was unable to stand the hardships of pioneer life and went to live with his relatives in Maine where he died in 1805. Thomas WILSON was a commander of the transport "Neptune". He remained in the government service and sent from England to his wife and Capt. Marks, power of attorney to take possession of the lands alloted to him. James WALL, mariner, one of Capt. Mark's company in the corps of Armed Boatmen and a member of the crew of his dispatch boat the "Miranda", also gave Capt. Mark's authority to claim his land. Others of the "Miranda" crew who came here, as far as their names can be recalled at present, were John WALL, Josiah FOWLER, James FARREN, Joseph BETSON, James WALLAR, Chas. DARBY, John CORVAN, Peter ELDRED, John BARBER and James LAWRIE.
