Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Pioneers, Ploughs, and Politics: New Brunswick Planned Settlements

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Memorandum of terms of proposed arrangement. – [23 September] 1871. – 4 pp. of textual records. This document is no. 5 in a series of documents presented as a message from His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor to the New Brunswick House of Assembly on 11 March 1872. It sets out the general terms of the arrangement between the Dominion and provincial governments respecting immigration policy. RS24-1872-872-me2 Legislative Assembly sessional records, PANB.

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Copy of a report of a committee of the Hon. the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency the Governor General in Council. – 25 September 1871. – 2 pp. of textual records. – This document is no. 7 in a series of documents presented as a message from His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor to the New Brunswick House of Assembly on 11 March 1872. The report appears to sanction the memorandum of 23 September described previously and notes that the said memorandum has been sanctioned by the other provinces attending the conference. RS24-1872-872-me2 Legislative Assembly sessional records, PANB.

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