Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Canada as seen through the Eyes of New Brunswick Editorial Cartoonists:
The Insight and Humour of Josh Beutel and Bill Hogan

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Punch & Judy
Josh Beutel, Telegraph Journal, 1981-2-12 Reference number: MC2806-524

Scope and Content
The verbal sparing between the United States and the Soviet Union has become more farse than Cold War is symbolized by Ronald Reagan and Leonid Brezhnev puppets beating each other with clubs.

Punch & Judy

Cold War (1945-1991)
The Cold War was a struggle between the world’s two major superpowers, the United States and the USSR, which emerged after WWII. This hostility was mainly based on a conflict of ideologies and political systems, that of communism in the USSR and democracy (and capitalism) in the United States. Never reaching a full-scale war, the Cold War was characterized by tension, competition, and subterfuge. Along with their allies (those in the Warsaw Pact with the USSR and NATO with the US), these nations engaged in an arms race that led to nuclear proliferation. This hostility ebbed and flowed for decades, coming to a head in the 1980s under the Reagan/Gorbachev administrations. The Cold War ended in 1991 with the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Ronald Reagan
- Born Ronald Wilson Reagan, February 6, 1911
- Died June 5, 2004
- Republican
- Governor of California, 1967 to 1975
- President of the United States, 1981 to 1989
- Dubbed "the Great Communicator" for his well-delivered speeches
- Economic policy called "Reaganomics", included increased spending on the military and buildup of arms
- Presidency known for confrontation with Soviet Union
- Iran-Contra Affair and other scandals failed to impact his popularity, therefore dubbed the "Teflon President"
- Target of an assassination attempt, March 30, 1981
- Died at the age of 93 after suffering from Alzheimer's disease
