Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

Canada as seen through the Eyes of New Brunswick Editorial Cartoonists:
The Insight and Humour of Josh Beutel and Bill Hogan

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Creationist Theory
Josh Beutel, 1981-3-20 Reference number: MC2806-574

Scope and Content
This illustration gives the impression that even Bonzo the chimpanzee can understand "Darwin" while the Moral Majority, signified by Rev. Jerry Falwell, are stuck on "Creation Theory."

Creationist Theory

Jerry Falwell
- Born Jerry Lamon Falwell, Lynchburg, Virginia, August 11, 1933
- American conservative Fundamentalist Baptist pastor and televangelist
- Pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg
- Vocal opposition to secular teachings in public schools
- Advocate of Christian morality as the prime educational force
- Supported President Bush's "Faith Based Initiative"
- Falwell's organization under investigation of fraud by the US Securities and Exchange Commission since 1972
