Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Wallace Hale - Dossiers successoraux anciens du Nouveau-Brunswick, 1785-1835

Introduction Introduction | Index Nominatif Index Nominatif | Noirs, des hommes libres, des serviteurs et des esclaves Noirs, des hommes libres, des serviteurs et des esclaves | Femmes Femmes | Types de navires Types de navires | Comtés Comtés
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Y avait-il un testament? Oui
Date du testament1819-03-06
Date à laquelle le testament a été attesté1819-04-16
Un inventaire a-t-il été dressé? Oui
Date de l'inventaire1819-04-05
S'agit-il du dossier sucessoral d'une femme? Non
Le résumé fait-il référence à un navire? Non
Résumé Parish of Wickham, Queens County, Freeholder. Will dated 6 March 1819, proved 16 April 1819. Daughter Phebe two cows, a bed with bedding, a small spinning wheel and the stand and five pounds. Daughter Ann one cow, a bed and three pounds when she comes of age. Daughter Neily one cow, a bed and three pounds. Son Isaac 5 shillings. Son-in-law Seth WEEDEN 5 shillings. Nephew John WEEDEN one ewe lamb. Nephew John CLARKE one ewe lamb. Son John the oldest gelding. Son George the youngest gelding. My three aforesaid daughters the household furniture. Two youngest daughters Ann and Neily and son Nicholas will be Educated far as to understand Reading and Writing. I give to the public one quarter of an acre of ground for a burying Place. Sons John, George and Nicholas residue of real and personal estate. Thomas UNDERHILL and Seth WEEDEN executors. Witnesses: Michael CANTY, Edward JONES, Nathaniel JONES. Inventory, dated 5 April 1819, valued at £131 by Isaac VanWART and William VanWART.
Numéro SD0
