Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Wallace Hale - Dossiers successoraux anciens du Nouveau-Brunswick, 1785-1835

Introduction Introduction | Index Nominatif Index Nominatif | Noirs, des hommes libres, des serviteurs et des esclaves Noirs, des hommes libres, des serviteurs et des esclaves | Femmes Femmes | Types de navires Types de navires | Comtés Comtés
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Y avait-il un testament? Oui
Date du testament1833-03-27
Date à laquelle le testament a été attesté1833-04-27
Un inventaire a-t-il été dressé? Oui
Date de l'inventaire1833-04-02
S'agit-il du dossier sucessoral d'une femme? Non
Le résumé fait-il référence à un navire? Non
Résumé Parish of Sussex, Kings County. Will dated 27 March 1833, proved 27 April 1833. Brother William COATES the saw mill. Brothers William and Mathew COATES the grist mill. Brother Samuel COATES one acre of land on the north side of the main road. Brother John COATES £10. Brother Thomas COATES £10. [Mahele] [MORE] the residue of real and personal estate so long as she remains in the situation that she is at present. David D. COATES £100, half to be paid by William and Mathew COATES and one half to be paid by Mahela [MORE]. My three sisters to have a decent suit of mourning each. Brother William COATES and William [MORE] (the surname "[MORE]" appears as "MASE" in Record Book C, pages 35 and 36) executors. Witnesses: David HAYWARD, Thomas C. STOCKTON, Christopher WILSON. Inventory, dated 2 April 1833, valued at £948 by Samuel GOSLINE, William [MANNY] and Edwin GOSLINE.
Numéro SD66
