Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Wallace Hale - Dossiers successoraux anciens du Nouveau-Brunswick, 1785-1835

Introduction Introduction | Index Nominatif Index Nominatif | Noirs, des hommes libres, des serviteurs et des esclaves Noirs, des hommes libres, des serviteurs et des esclaves | Femmes Femmes | Types de navires Types de navires | Comtés Comtés
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Y avait-il un testament? Oui
Date du testament1814-11-17
Date à laquelle le testament a été attesté1818-12-15
Un inventaire a-t-il été dressé? Non
S'agit-il du dossier sucessoral d'une femme? Non
Le résumé fait-il référence à un navire? Non
Résumé Parish of Fredericton, York County. Will dated 17 November 1814, proved 15 December 1818. Son William Franklin ODELL four Town Lots in Fredericton, Nos. 185, 186, 187 and 188. Whereas I hold by perpetual lease from Government and Trustees of the College in Fredericton, several Pasture Lots, No. 2, twenty-four acres, No. 12, twenty-five acres, and No. 21, thirty-two acres, Lot 2 divided between son William Franklin and daughters Mary and Sarah Anne. Wife Anne residue of estate, to be divided between daughters Mary and Sarah Anne at her death. Daughter Mary my Clock and the pair of Globes in my Library. Daughter Sarah Anne the [Forte] piano which I purchased for her, together with that which was presented to her by Governor CARLTON,(sic) which I mention here lest these Instruments might possibly be considered as part of my personal Estate. Daughters Mary and Sarah Anne such of my books as they may select for their own use, and the residue of my books and astronomical instruments to son William Franklin ODELL. Son William Franklin ODELL sole executor. Witnesses: John SAUNDERS, James SOMERVILLE, Robert SMITH.
Numéro SD75
