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17 May 2024  

Labour Landmarks

Day of Mourning: The Miramichi Monument

ON THE MIRAMICHI: The monument erected by the Miramichi and District Labour Council is situated at River Front Park (Ledden Street) on the north shore of the Miramichi River. Note the symbolism of the open honour roll and the caged canary, and the importance of the inscription: “Fight for the Living! Mourn for the Dead” .

The dangers of the workplace are well-known to the people of the Miramichi. The history of the lumber camps, mill towns and other workplaces of the region is marked by the memory of hundreds of lives lost and thousands of injuries sustained in the course of employment. “The Ballad of Peter Emberley” , one of the classic folk songs of the North American lumber woods, remembers one such event, as does the black granite stone placed over Emberley's grave at Boiestown in 1963. More recently, in 1995 the Miramichi and District Labour Council dedicated a Day of Mourning monument to the many workers and families who have suffered from workplace death and injuries throughout the Miramichi.