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20 June 2024  

Labour Landmarks

Day of Mourning: The Moncton Monument

Moncton and District Labour Council Invitation, 1995

March 6, 1995

To the Mayor and Members of Council:

It gives us great pleasure to advise you that the Moncton & District Labour Council has been successful in our pursuit of a fitting memorial to the workers killed, injured or disabled on the job every year.

The City of Moncton has offered us a prime location in Bore Park to put this monument and has agreed to do landscaping and maintain the upkeep.

This memorial, a monument, will be unveiled during a “National Day of Mourning” ceremony, commencing at noon to be held Friday, April 28, 1995 at Bore Park in Moncton, New Brunswick.

April 28 has been proclaimed by the House of Commons of Canada as the “National Day of Mourning” for persons killed or injured in the workplace.

We are asking for your support as we seek to increase public awareness of this event by:

  • being present or having one of the Council Representative present;
  • endorsing the enclosed Proclamation and having it publicly announced in your community;
  • laying a single rose as a symbolic gesture of support to families or workers killed, injured or disabled on the job

Please let us know if your Council agrees with this and if you need further information, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

We will send you the complete agenda of this special event as the final details are worked out.

On behalf of the Labour Council, we want to thank you in advance for your support.

Yours truly,

Wayne Brown

Earl Garland
Chair Health & Safety Committee

Source: Moncton and District Labour Council