Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Dictionary of Miramichi Biography

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MACMILLAN, JOHN DANIEL, dentist; b. New Mills, Restigouche Co., N.B., 23 Jul 1879, s/o James MacMillan and Elizabeth Jane Reid; m. Lillian Forsyth Williamson, d/o John Williamson and Louisa Matchett, of Newcastle; d. there, 12 Feb 1963.

John D. MacMillan graduated from high school in Campbellton and received a certificate in business in 1900 from the Currie Business College in Saint John. He later studied dentistry at the Baltimore Medical College and was granted a DDS in 1904. He practiced in Campbellton and Saint John for short periods, and in Fredericton for approximately two years before establishing a practice in Newcastle in the fall of 1906. At first he closed the town office the last week of each month and went to Blackville, Doaktown, and Boiestown to attend to dental needs there. Later all of his patients were able to travel to town by road. His practice was successful, and he conducted it until 1958, when he was seventy-eight years old.

MacMillan was financial secretary of the board of stewards of St James and St John United Church in Newcastle for many years. He was a Mason and a curler. He and his wife, Lillian F. Williamson, who predeceased him in 1960, were survived by two daughters and two sons, one of whom was the Newcastle physician Dr James A. I. MacMillan.


[b] Leader 30 Mar 1983 [d] Commercial World 14 Feb 1963 / Commercial World 7 Oct 1954, 22 Sep 1960; Leader 30 Nov 1906
