Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Dictionary of Miramichi Biography

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BLACK, HELEN (1875-1954)

BLACK, HELEN, Sister St Mary Alice of the Congregation of Notre Dame; musician, and superior at Newcastle, 1943-49; b. Portland, Me, 15 Sep 1875, d/o James Black and Alice McCabe; entered religious life, 1908; d. Sydney, N.S., 5 Mar 1954.

Helen Black's mother died when she was still an infant, and she was raised by a maternal aunt, Carolyn McCabe, the wife of Hugh J. Morris, of Newcastle. She attended St Mary's Academy, where it was observed that she possessed "a graceful and distinctive musical talent." At age sixteen she was already working as a music teacher in Newcastle. Later she trained the choir and served as organist at St Mary's Church. She had about seventeen years of experience in the field of music before she made a decision to enter the novitiate of the Congregation of Notre Dame in 1908, at age thirty-three.

After Black took her first vows in 1911 she was appointed to the department of music at Mount St Bernard College in Antigonish, N.S. She was head of music there for thirty-two years and then returned to the Miramichi as superior of the Newcastle convent. "She had a happy house and guided her community with tact and kindliness." Although she was seventy-four years old when she left Newcastle, she spent three more years as superior of the CND convent at Whitney Pier in Sydney, N.S., and was still a resident there at the time of her death.


[b/d] CND archives / Advocate 17 Jan 1911; Leader 13 Jan 1911, 21 Nov 1968
