Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 88 Numéro 1624

Date 19 avril 1893
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal The Daily Telegraph

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

The community will learn with regret of the death of James L. DUNN which took place at his residence Wellington Row about 7:30 o'clock last eve. Mr. Dunn had for years been afflicted with asthma, during the recurrent attacks of which he suffered a great deal. His general health was, however, apparently good until about ten days ago when he experienced a chill which was followed by a severe bronchial affection, complicated with asthma. He gradually weakened under the attack despite the best medical attendance and all the solicitous efforts of his family, by whom he was surrounded until the last. Mr. Dunn was one of two sons, the only children of the late James DUNN of St. John. The brother died in early youth. James L. Dunn was educated in this city and was for a time student-at-law in the office of the late William JACK, Q.C. The natural bent of the mind was, however, towards a business calling and in preparation for it he took an engagement of some years as accountant with the firm of D.& T. VAUGHAN on Water St. Afterward he went into partnership with the late John McMORRAN as ship chandlers and ship builders. Their place of business was first on Water St. and afterward on the North wharf. They prospered in business, building and owning many vessels. A number of these were built at Dorchester. The partnership was dissolved by the retirement of Mr. McMorran afterwhich Mr. Dunn associated with him Messrs. Vaughan with whom he carried on an extensive business until his retirement from the firm about 12 years ago. He remained largely interested in shipping and other ventures until his death. He always took a deep interest in all that pertained in the moral and business welfare of the city and was a man of very extensive knowledge and sound judgement in mercantile affairs, shipping and banking. He was also for years past a prominent member of St. Stephen's Church in which he for some time filled the office of trustee. Mrs. Dunn, daughter of the late James SMITH, ship builder of St. John, with six children, survive. Of the two sons, the eldest, James G. DUNN, is now residing in Berkeley, California. The younger son, Harry DUNN, was summoned to his father's bedside from Wolfville, where he was attending the academy and only arrived a few minutes after his father's death. Of the four surviving daughters, the eldest is the wife of John P. MacINTYRE of this city, the others being unmarried.
