Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 91 Numéro 1315

Date 18 juin 1894
Comté York
Lieu Fredericton
Journal The Gleaner

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

About 3 o'clock this morn. an alarm of fire was rung in from box 16. The firemen, with Chief Kerr, responded with more than ordinary promptness. But on their arrival they discovered it was not to fight fire, but to rescue three families from the ruins of a three story wooden building. A few minutes before 3 o'clock Officers McLaren and Walsh were on Waterloo Street and hearing a crash rushed to the scene of the noise, only to discover that the old building owned by Miss Alice McCORMICK, off Waterloo Street and nearly opposite St. Mary's Church, had fallen. The promptlt sent in an alarm from box 16. ... Away down in the ruins came cries for assistance from at least two persons. The firemen immediately set to work to rescue these people and in a short time, Thomas GORMAN, laborer and John O'LEARY came out from the ruins from the lower flat, the firemen having provided an exit... Miss Alice McCormick, age 33 and Ethel McCORMICK, an adopted daughter, were also on the lower flat. Miss McCormick was got out, but she was really dead when she was rescued, while Ethel was rescued slightly injured and removed to the General Public Hospital. About this time a voice could be heard in the ruins ... Under Chief Kerr, the firemen redoubled their efforts and in a short time Michael QUINN and his wife were rescued ... In a few minutes the cries of a woman's voice could be distinctly heard. Then axes, saws and picks were brought into action and in fifteen minutes or less a salvage corps ladder was lowered and soon, Mrs. HAYES, aged between 75 and 80 years, was brought up. Miss Alice McCormick was a daughter of the late Capt. McCORMICK. (see original)
