Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 76 Numéro 8

Date 9 janvier 1890
Comté Charlotte
Lieu Saint Andrews
Journal St. Andrews Beacon

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

The news of the death of James E. LYNOTT, Esq., St. George (Charlotte Co.), who a day or two ago was laying plans for the election campaign, will be heard with regret. It is thought that he caught cold during his St. Stephen visit, as on his return he was seized with dropsy, which resulted fatally on Tuesday. Mr. L. was the son of Edward LYNOTT, St. George and at the time of his death was about 53 years of age. He learned the dry goods trade with Dennis BRADLEY of St. Andrews and afterwards engaged in business in St. George with his uncle, James LEDDY. He continued in business until work began on the Grand Southern Railway in 1876, when he entered the office of Col. Greene, the contractor. When the road was completed, he assumed the management of it and held the position until the road passed into the receiver's hands. Mr. Lynott first offered for the Local Legislature in 1870 and was defeated. He was elected in 1876 and again in 1872. In 1883 he was chosen Speaker, holding the office up to the dissolution of the house. He offered for re-election in 1886, but was defeated. The deceased was married to a daughter of Daniel SULLIVAN, late police magistrate at St. Stephen. She with four sons survives him. His father is also living.
