Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 64 Numéro 2007

Date 3 septembre 1885
Comté Westmorland
Lieu Sackville
Journal Chignecto Post

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Mrs. Cecelia BAIZLEY died at Westcock (West. Co.) 25th inst., having arrived at the age of 104 years. She was a daughter of a soldier in the 102nd Regt. stationed at Fort Cumberland. Her father's name was William SPEEDE and her mother's, Peggy McDONALD. She was apprenticed by her parents to the late Tolar THOMPSON, then lately arrived from Ireland and settled at Tantramar. A near neighbor was Mr. FAWCETT and with him lived a lad named FITZGERALD. The naturally became acquainted and were married. The service was performed by Mr. Burnham, J.P. and the wedding took place at Tolar Thompson's. Among those present were Benjamin READ and his wife, Alex. KINNEAR and his wife and two young men named BABCOCK and the affair wound up with a supper and dance. The young people settled at Wood Point on what is now known as the Wm OUTHOUSE place. Roads scarcely existed in those days and the most convenient way to get from Wood Point to Tantramar was by boat or canoe. Fitzgerald started one morn. to go to Tantramar to get seed potatoes by boat. His boat was anchored off the shore and her started to swim for it. He never reached it. The water was cold, the tide strong and he was swept away. When he was missed his wife and mother went along the beach to search for him. They were attracted by the barking of a dog to drift wood and found his body. He was only 22 years of age. The only inhabitant of Wood Point at this time were Joseph ATKINSON, Oliver BARNES, Pickering SNOWDON and James WARD. Soon after Mrs. Fitzgerald went to Dorchester to live at the hotel then kept by Mr. KINNEAR. There was only a trail between Westcock and Dorchester. Edwin COLE took her through on horseback behind him. Her wages were a dollar a month. After living there a couple of years, she was married a second time. He second husband was Stephen BAIZLEY. The knot was tied by the late Judge Keillor. Within two years Mrs. Bailzley has been able to walk long distances and her memory even up to a recent period was very tenacious of past events. The above particulars of her life were some months ago furnished by herself. (cross reference: BEAZLEY).
