Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 92 Numéro 1131

Date 23 août 1894
Comté Charlotte
Lieu Saint Stephen
Journal Saint Croix Courier

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

James MURCHIE has been a member of the House of Assembly and is one of the leading merchants and ship owners in this section. He was born in St. Stephen, Aug. 13th, 1813. His father, Andrew MURCHIE was from Paisley, Scotland and his mother, Janet CAMPBELL, was a naative of New Brunswick and a d/o Colin CAMPBELL. He was educated at St. Stephen and remained at home until he attained his majority, assisting his father on the farm. He then engaged in lumbering, hauling logs and selling them to mill owners for quite a period, holding during this time many important local positions such as captain in the militia and justice of the peace. Later he moved to Milltown and engaged in the manufacture of lumber. When several of his sons became of age, the firm of Jas. Murchie & Sons was established, which is now one of the largest lumber concerns in the Dominion of Canada or State of Maine. In the province they have mills at Benton, Deer Lake, Edmundston and Fredericton and in the State, mills at Calais. They own large townships of land in the province and state. While a member of the assembly Mr. Murchie effected the repeal of the Wild Land Act. He is a director of the St. Stephen bank, of two bridge corporations, of the Calais Tug Boat Co. and other local companies. He is president of the N.B. & Canada Railway Co., president of the Frontier Steamboat Co., president of St. Croix Lloyd's Insurance Co. and president of St. Croix Cotton Mill Co. He resided in one of the finest houses in Milltown. He likewise built the church at Old Ridge. He also superintended the building of the Congrgational Church in Milltown. She was a leading stockholder and organizer in the Calis Shoe Factory. Mr. Murchie married in 1836 and again in 1860. Thirteen children survive from the unions, ten from the first and three from the second. Five of the sons, John G. MURCHIE, William A. MURCHIE, George A. MURCHIE and Henry S. MURCHIE are members of the firm James Murchie & Sons. (see original)
