Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 95 Numéro 911

Date 5 novembre 1894
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal The Daily Sun

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

The Liberty of the Press in Parrtown (St. John) in 1784 by Edward JACK ... the publisher of the 'Royal Gazette' was prosecuted for an article which appeared in that journal 4th March 1784. The article purported to be from the pen of a soldier and was addressed to the disbanded corps on the River St. John. ... Viewed in the light of the present day this document would hardly be considered disloyal or libellous. Not so, however, in these early times, for on the next day the Justices James WHITE and William TYNG forced William LEWIS and John RYAN, printers of the 'Royal Gazette' to deliver up the original of this terrible document which is now in the office of the clerk of the peace for the county of Sunbury where it has been for the last 110 years. By some inquistorial proceeding, White and Tyng extracted from these gentlemen, at whose desire they printed it in the 'Royal Gazette'. Upon this discovery and on the same day, the justices caused Mr. Huggerferd to be apprehended and brought before them when he acknowledged that he carried this paper to Lewis & Ryan with a desire to them to print it, and he further said that it was obtained from James ECCLES, gentleman. Then James Eccles, who has been a lieutenant in the army of the Royalists, was on the same day apprehended and brought before Messrs. White and Tyng, when he acknowledged that the document was in his own handwriting and that he had left it at the house of Peter HUGGERFERD, father of William HUGGERFERD. (see original)
