Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 67 Numéro 3723

Date 31 mai 1887
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal Saint John Globe

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

The Windsor 'Tribune' says: Mrs. Maria Alice HARDING of Falmouth, N.S. whose death was reported the other day, was the eldest d/o late Wm M. YOUNG, M.P.P., sister of the late Elkanah YOUNG, M.P.P. of Falmouth and of the late John W. YOUNG of Halifax. She was born in Falmouth August 1st, 1811, married in 1836 to Thomas HARDING, Esq., jr. s/o late Thomas Harding, sr., a former Mayor of St. John where they resided for some years and afterward removed to Shippegan (Glouc. Co.) N.B. After the sudden death of her husband, about 1850, by the overturning of a stage coach in Lower Horton, she moved to Falmouth where she continued to reside until her death on Sunday, May 22nd. Her children are all living viz: Mrs. CHANDLER whose deceased husband was a son of Hon. E.B. CHANDLER, ex. Governor of N.B.; Mrs. Chas. E. YOUNG, Falmouth; Thomas E. HARDING, California and Edmond HARDING, a cotton planter in Mississippi, who has lately returned for the benefit of his health which was impaired in consequence of the great floods of 1882 and was fortunate in returning in time to be with his mother in her last illness and thus cheer her after 18 years absence. The only survivor of her father's family is Edward W. YOUNG, formerly of Halifax, for many years a resident of Australia, near Melbourne. The funeral on Thursday was largely attended.
