Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 87 Numéro 2108

Date 21 décembre 1893
Comté Albert
Lieu Albert
Journal The Maple Leaf

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Henry Robert EMMERSON was born in Maugerville (Sunbury Co.) Sept. 25, 1853. His father, Rev. Robert EMMERSON was then pastor of Maugerville Baptist Church and was afterwards pastor of Moncton Baptist church. His mother's name was Augusta READ d/o Joseph READ of Minudie, Cumberland Co., N.S. of the Grindstone firm of Jos. Read & Co. His education was obtained at the following schools: St. Joseph's College, Memramcook; Amherst Academy, Mount Allison Academy, Sackville; English High School, Boston, Mass. and Acadia College, Wolfville. He studied law with the late A.J. HICKMAN in Dorchester and attended the Boston University Law School where he graduated with the degree of L.L.B. He was admitted an attorney of the Supreme Court of N.B. in Michaelmas Term 1877 and a barrister in 1878. Commences to practice as a partner of the late A.J. Hickman at Dorchester in November 1877. The partnership continued until the death of Mr. Hickman in March 1879. Burton S. READ then became his partner, the firm being Emmerson & Read until 1882. When Mr. Read retired from the profession, Mr. Emmerson continued his practice alone until 1886 when the firm of Emmerson, Chandler & Chapman was formed consisting of himself, W.B. CHANDLER and W. Hazen CHAPMAN. The latter retired from the firm in 1887 and the firm of Emmerson & Chandler continued until May 1, 1893 when it was dissolved. Mr. Emmerson continues the practice of law alone. In June 1878 he was married to Emily C. RECORD d/o late C.B. RECORD of Moncton, iron founder. They have had six children, five of whom are now living. In religion he was a supported of the Baptist Church. His wife is a member of that church. In politics he is a Liberal. In 1887 he unsuccessfully contested Westmorland Co. against Josiah Wood, M.P. at the general election. He was elected in the Local Legislature as a representative for Albert in 1888 and agin in 1889. In 1890 he was defeated at the general elections. In 1891 at the general elections he was pressed into service to run for Albert. In March 1891 he was called to the Legislative Council of N.B., as one of six pledged to its abolition. In March 1892, Mr. Emmerson was called as a member of the government holding position as President of Executive Council and Leader of the Government in the Upper House. On dissolution of the Legislative Assembly in Sept. 1892 he was sworn as chief commissioner of Public Works.
