Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 57 Numéro 917

Date 22 juin 1881
Comté Westmorland
Lieu Moncton
Journal The Times

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Methodist Conference of N.B. & P.E.I. (St. John District) Queen Square: John READ, Geo. B. PAYSON Centenary: Duncan D. CURRIE, Henry DANIEL, James R. NARRAWAY, John PRINCE; Exmouth St.: Hezekiah McKEOWN; Portland: William DOBSON; Carleton: Wilson W. LODGE, John A. CLARKE; Carmarthen St.: Henry POPE; Courtenay Bay: S. Busby GREGG; Fairville: Joseph SELLAR; Sussex: John F. BETTS; Apohaqui: Silas JAMES; Upham: Charles COMBEN, S.W. SPRAGUE; St. Martins: John J. COLTER; Grand Lake: William TWEEDY; Jerusalem: Theo. L. WILLIAMS; Welsford: Richard OPIE; Kingston: James A. DUKE; Salmon River: John F. ESTY; (Fredericton District) Fredericton: Edwin EVANS; Kingsclear: Henry J. CLARKE; Marysville: Waldron W. BREWER; Gibson: John S. ALLEN; Nashwaak: Hibbert R. BAKER; Boiestown: John K. KING; Keswick: James CRISP; Sheffield: Robert S. CRISP; Gagetown: William HARRISON; Woodstock: W.W. COLPITTS; Canterbury: William R. PEPPER; Jacksonville: Matthew R. KNIGHT, Fred. W. HARRISON; Richmond: Edwin C. TURNER; Florenceville: Alfred E. LePAGE, Edwin MILLS; Andover: Thomas ALLEN; Upper Kent: Henry PENNA; Arthurette: Edward BELL; (Miramichi District) Chatham: Stephen T. TEED; Newcastle: D.D. MOORE; Richibucto: Isaac HOWIE; Bathurst: Aquila LUCAS; Campbellton: Cyrus S. WELLS; Derby: Isaac N. PARKER (Sackville District) Point de Bute: George W. FISHER; Baie Verte: Robert WILSON; Bayfield: Wm J. KIRBY; Moncton: Robert DUNCAN; Coverdale: Charles MANATON; Shediac: Thos. HICKS; Dorchester: Thos. MARSHALL; Hopewell: Benjamin CHAPPELL; Alma: Wm C. JOHNSON; Hillsboro: Charles W. HAMILTON; Petitcodiac: Wm LAWSON; Salisbury: Wm PENNA; Elgin, A.R.B. SHREWSBURY; (St. Stephen Disrict) St. Stephen: Howard SPRAGUE, C.W. DUTCHER; Milltown: Richard W. WEDDALL; St. David's: Elias SLACKFORD; St. James, Septimus E. COLWELL, Bocabec Wlliam WASS (see 29 June 1881 TIMES for final draft changes)
