Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 93 Numéro 8

Date 18 juillet 1894
Comté Albert
Lieu Hillsboro
Journal The Albert Star

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

The news that Miss Lucy BEER d/o Wm H. BEER had been drowned in the Kennebecasis was heard Thursday with deep regret. The accident was a very sad one. Miss Beer had gone with a party of friends to spend the day at the Willows. In the party were G.A. SCHOFIELD, his daughter, Gertrude SCHOFIELD, Miss May BEER, sister of the young lady who lost her life and Messrs. H.B. ROBINSON, Walter C. CLARKE and Charles SCOFIELD. Shortly after dinner some of the ladies went in bathing, among them Misses Beer and Misses Mabel SCHOFIELD and Clara SCHOFIELD. Miss Lucy Beer was in advance of the others, but had not gome more than twenty feet from the shore when she cried out that she was drowning. An instant later Miss Mabel Schofield and Miss May Beer were seen in the deep water. The cries of alarm brought G.A. Schofield, Walter Clarke and Chas. Schofield to the rescue. In his efforts to save the girls Mr. Schofield himself had a narrow escape. Two of them seized him and it was with difficulty he was rescued. Misses Mabel and Clara were got ashore with difficulty and both were unconscious. Miss Lucy Beer did not rise to the surface and fully twenty minutes had elapsed before her body was recovered. Meanwhile Miss May Beer was rescued by Masters Schofield and Porter. It was fully twenty minutes before Miss Schofield showed signs of returning vigor. Her escape was a close one. The young lady who lost her life was 17 years of age. It is supposed that she and her associates stepped into the river channel or into a deep hole. The body of Miss Beer was brought to the city this morn. and the interment will take place tomorrow afternoon. Miss Schofield is still at the Willows, but is rapidly recovering from the effects of the accident. G.A. Schofield returned to the city at noon today. - 'Globe'
