Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 81 Numéro 1200

Date 13 mars 1891
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal The Daily Telegraph

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

News has been received of the death at South Orange, New Jersey, Feb 19th, of Sarah ROBERTSON w/o Alex. ROBERTSON and d/o Lt. Commander Arthur Hill RICKARDS of British Royal Navy. The deceased, who succumed to an attack of pneumonia, leaves two sons and two daughters. The two sons, Arthur R. ROBERTSON and Roderick ROBERTSON are counsellors-at-law of the State of New York of law firm Robertson & Harmon, 32 Park Place, New York, Roderick having been a member of the New Jersey legislature. Her eldest daughter, Sarah, is favorably known as an artist. Her younger daughter, Alice ROBERTSON, is the w/o Joseph G. MORRISON, banker and broker at No. 84 Broadway, New York city.
