Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 101 Numéro 1078

Date 31 juillet 1896
Comté Kings
Lieu Sussex
Journal Kings County Record

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Sorrow was manifested in Sussex (Kings Co.) Monday morn. when the sad news of the death of George J. WORDEN was announced. Mr. Worden had been in the employment of the I.C.R. for the past twenty years, the latter of which he had charge of the engine at the tank here. It was his duty to assist in making up the Sussex train which leaves here about 7:15 local time. Mr. Worden was around as usual on Sunday and in fact had tea with a friend, after which he went to church. He arose about 5 a.m. Monday morn. and it is supposed was crossing the floor to get a drink of water to eat with his lunch when death's messenger came. As Mr. Worden did not appear on duty as usual, James CHESTNUT, after the train had departed, fearing that something was wrong, went direct to the former's residence and as he approached the door he caught a glimpse of the deceased lying on the floor with his arms outstretched, and as Mr. Chestnut stepped back to direct the attention of a passer by, Miss Bertie WORDEN, daughter of the deceased, entered the room to prepare her father's breakfast, who she thought was on duty and would soon be returning. In an instant she grasped the situation, but hoping that her loving parent was only in a faint, called to him but in vain. Medical aid was summoned but life was extinct and Dr. Burnett pronounced death instantaneous, caused from heart failure. Mr. Worden was born at Wickham (Queens Co.) in 1850 and consequently was in his 46th year. He was a s/o Mr. and Mrs. George WORDEN of the above place. The family consisted of nine children, eight brothers and one sister, two of whom have departed this life. Mrs. Worden was visiting relatives up the St. John river at the time of Mr. Worden's death and was immediately communicated with by wire. In fact, when the news reached her she was engaged in writing a letter to her husband. A father and four brothers attended the funeral at 2:50 p.m. Oddfellows and Foresters, of which deceased was a member, attended in a body. The cortege formed and marched to the F.C. Baptist church. Rev. B.H. Nobles conducted the services assisted by Rev. McNeil of Havelock. The pall bearers were John THOMPSON, W.B. McKAY, W.H. CULBERT, John ROSS, C.H. FAIRWEATHER and John E. SLIPP. Mr. Worden was prominent in secret societies, being court deputy in the local court, the highest honor in the lodge. He carried insurance in the Foresters in the amount of $1,000 and in the railway insurance $500. Deceased leaves a wife and four children, the youngest of whom is 3 years of age.
