Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 78 Numéro 2809

Date 31 août 1891
Comté York
Lieu Fredericton
Journal The Gleaner

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

St. John, Aug. 30 - This morn., Joseph WHALEN and his brother, Fred WHALEN were upset from a canoe in which they were paddling near the Suspension bridge. Fred was rescued but his brother disappeared in a whirlpool. Deceased was well known among sporting men, being a good boxer. He leaves a wife and child. His residence was at Fairville where he kept a saloon.
