Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 81 Numéro 2113

Date 28 octobre 1892
Comté Kings
Lieu Sussex
Journal Kings County Record

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

An Account of the Earliest Settlers - As stated already, Mrs. Arnold's maiden name was Wiggins, and this she seems to have retained for a short while at least, after her arrival in St. John, for lot no. 375 on the N.W. corner of King St. east and Wentworth St. was drawn up by Charlotte WIGGINS. She was born Thursday, 11th day of July A.D. 1766 at Newburgh, N.Y. and was, when she married Mr. ARNOLD, the widow of Stephen HUSTICE, a loyalist who had drawn lot no. 75 on the west side of Germain St., about midway between Queen St. and St. James St. ... Her only child by her first husband was Elizabeth HUSTICE who married Col. Robert SCOTT, Salisbury (West. Co.) Mrs. Arnold died 23rd day of November 1831, age 65 years. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold had the following family: 1. Thomas Oliver ARNOLD b. October 13th, 1787. He resided for many years where Nelson Arnold now lives, but died on Ward's Creek; married, first, Anne VAIL d/o Robert VAIL, Esq., Sussex by whom he had 12 children; and secondly his cousin, Martha WIGGINS d/o John WIGGINS, Portland (St. John) and widow of Robert SHIVES. He died March 8th, 1867. 2. George Nathan ARNOLD b. September 3rd, 1789, married Eliza Ann HALLETT d/o Samuel HALLETT, Sussex. He had nine children and died in May 1846 in his 57th year. 3. Charlotte Hannah ARNOLD b. April 27th, 1792; married John C. VAIL, Esq., Sussex; had a family of eight children and died March 26th, 1835 in her 43rd year; 4. William ARNOLD b. December 2nd, 1794 and died December 21st, 1794; 5. Mary Ann ARNOLD b. May 25th, 1797; married John BARBARIE s/o Col. John Barbarie. They had several children and died at Norton; 6. Horatio Nelson ARNOLD; 7. Samuel Edwin ARNOLD born August 23rd, 1805, more closely resembled his father in appearance than any other of the family. He entered Kings College, Windsor, N.S. in 1822, graduated there B.A. in 1825, M.A. in 1827 and D.C.L. in 1836. In 1828 he was appointed missionary at Shediac, the first clergyman of the Church of England to reside in that place. He remained there till about 1832. He married Mary Ann ROBERTSON d/o James ROBERTSON of St. John, and after her death he married her sister, Annie Maria ROBERTSON. By his first wife he had one daughter and by his second wife, a son and a daughter. He was very clever in both senses of the term. Sometime after leaving Shediac he removed to the United States, and for many years conducted a large boatrding school in Bordentown, N.J. The greater part of his life, subsequent to leaving New Brunswick, was spent in teaching, but for some years he seems to have had charge of a parish. He died in Maryland in 1885.
