Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 85 Numéro 1870

Date 15 décembre 1893
Comté Kings
Lieu Sussex
Journal Kings County Record

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Hon. Albert Scott WHITE - His great grandfather on his father's side was William WHITE who fought on the Loyalist side in the Revolutionary War and on the declaration of Independence settled at Grand Lake (Queens Co.) Both William White and his wife lived to be centenarians and died leaving children, whose descendants, now numerous, are now settled in Queens Co., though some of them have wandered back to the United States and made homes as far west as California. When William had grown so weak through age that he could scarcely lift his chair, one had but to pronounce the hated name 'Yankee' to electrify the old man back to such energy and anger that he would get down his musket, the companion of his dangers and shouldering it, fight in mimic action his battles all over again. One of his sons, Vincent WHITE married Mary DYKEMAN and removed the the head of Belleisle Bay where he established himself on a farm yet known as the 'White Homestead' and there brought up eight sons and two daughters. .. James E. WHITE, the father of the present Solicitor General, for years carried on a store at Belleisle Point and Corner in partnership with his brother, William H. WHITE. He moved to Sussex over 40 years ago and there established the store afterwards conducted by the late Wm A. SMITH, and alos that now owned by W.B. McKay & Co. He continued in business in Sussex for several years until failing health compelled him to remove to St. John which, owing to its location by salt water, afforded him the necessary change of air. Albert S. White, the subject of this sketch, was born at Sussex, 12th April 1855. His mother is a daughter of Daniel SCOTT, who came to this province from Scotland as a lad and settled in St. John where he died when all his children were very young. He is buried in the old graveyard in that city. The Solicitor General was educated partly at Sussex and partley at the Varley school at St. John till his 14th year. When 14 years old, Mr. White was sent to Sackville. On his matriculation examination, though by some years the youngest candidate, he carried off the mathematical scholarship. He graduated with the degree of B.A. in 1873 and the first honor certificate up to that time awarded by the college. He at once entered upon the study of law in the office of the late W. Herbert SINNOTT, a brother of J. Albert SINNOT of Apohaqui. Mr. White's father, whose experience had always been in the line of mercantile business, strenuously opposed his son's determination to study law, and after three months purchased for him a partnership in the St. John ropewalk which is now owned by Mr. Connors. Mr. White reluctantly entered upon his new work and it was only a few weeks ere it was found his partner, Mr. AMES, being financially embarrassed had to retire., leaving the entire business to Mr. White, Though then buy 19, he for nearly a year carried on this large enterprise. He still, however, adhered to his determination to get back to law at the first opportunity and kept up his legal studies at every odd time. Ultimately his father yielded his assent and Mr. White went back to the law office, He graduated in 1877 at the Harvard Law School and at once began practice at Sussex. In or about 1883, he took into partnership Leonard ALLISON and subsequently Mr. King became a member of the firm. .. In June 1892 he married Ida M. VAUGHAN d/o David VAUGHAN, St. Martins. (see original)
