Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 82 Numéro 2428

Date 27 octobre 1892
Comté Charlotte
Lieu Saint Andrews
Journal St. Andrews Beacon

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

'On the Pacific' - ... Among others, the firm of which Tennant STEEB is a member, has opened an office at Tacoma. Mr. Steeb, whose wife is a St. John lady (sister of Mrs. W.M. MAGEE of St. Andrews) has charge of this office and lately removed his domicile thither. ... There are none more enthusiatic with regard to Seattle's ultimate destiny that the New Brunswickers who have made of that city their home. Charles H. LUGRIN, Fredericton, who will be remembered as editor of St. John 'Telegraph' for a time and afterwards Secretary of Agriculture, is one of the most hopeful ones. He is now managing editor of the Seattle 'Telegram' and a regular contributor to several magazines. ... Occupying the same desk in the room with Mr. Lugrin os Lovett M. WOOD, who established the 'Maple Leaf', Albert Co. Both Mr. Wood and his wife are delighted with Seattle. Fred ACKMAN, also of Albert Co. is another who is facinated with this smart little city. John LEARY, well known in this province, was one of its first settlers. By shrewd investments he has amassed considerable wealth. During a brief visit to the 'Telegram' office, I had the pleasure of meeting two other New Brunswickers, Mr. GAUNCE, formerly of Fredericton and Mr. RAYMOND. J.O.V. SEELY, who smiling countenance adorned an office on Walker's wharf, St. John a few years ago, is now doing business on one of Seattle's wharves. .. There are a number of New Brunswickers in Tacoma. One of the first to greet me was Walter SCAMMELL, jr., formerly of St. John. He is operating a shingle mill in that neighborhood. .. I also encountered Byron SCAMMELL. He had been doing business at Olympia, Wa. but becoming dissatisfied, was on his way to Portland, Oregon to establish himself. .. Theodore CUSHING, another St. John man, carries on a shingle mill at Tacoma. Arthur CALHOUN of St. John, who was for a time on the staff of the Boston 'Traveller', now hold a position on the Tacoma 'Ledger'. His wife, who is a d/o John V. ELLIS, St. John has over the signature 'M.E.C.' contributed sketches of Tacoma to the New Brunswick press. Mrs. Tennent Steeb and her mother, Mrs. EATON of St. John, have their home there.
