Archives provinciales du Nouveau-Brunswick

Données de l’état civil relevées par Daniel F. Johnson dans les journaux du Nouveau Brunswick

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Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 44 Numéro 917

Date 30 septembre 1878
Comté Saint John
Lieu Saint John
Journal The Daily Telegraph

info Le langage employé dans les textes est tel qu’il a été transcrit par Daniel F. Johnson à partir des entrées dans les journaux originaux.

Thomas DOWD found guilty and Eliza WARD as an accomplice in the murder of Thomas Edward WARD - A number of years ago Myra WARD settled near Gagetown (Queens Co.) and after spending several years in farming he went to Gagetown. When his family, which consisted of five boys and two girls grew up, Ward removed to (St. John) city and for several years followed the trade of carpenter. Two of Ward's sons went to Buctouche (Kent Co.) where they are now living. Another son, Henry WARD, who was younger than the murdered man also went to Buctouche, but shortly after removed to Dorchester (West. Co.) He did not stay long there but returned to St. John. He now lives at 11 Hanover St. He has been married but his wife died some years ago and he has remained a widower, an unmarried sister keeping house for him. He said his brother Thomas (the murdered man) was in the employ of Boone who owned the stages running between St. John and Magaguadavic, His brother sometimes drove the stage, but was mostly engaged at the stables at Saint John. Thomas Ward, he said, was married while in Buctouche to a woman whose maiden name was TRITES. but shortly after Ward came to St. John he and his wife were separated. She was afterwards married to a man named WATTERS belonging tp Long Reach (Kings Co.) but being an elderly man he soon died. In an interview with Mrs. Ward (No. 2) she stated that she was born at Digdeguash (Charlotte Co.) in 1836 and that her maiden named was SUMMERS. She was one of a large family. They are all married now and one, Mrs. SIMMONS lives a short distance from New River. She said that she first met Ward in 1859 at St. George. After a brief courtship they were married at St. Stephen where they resided a short time. They next lived at St. George for several years and then moved to Boston, Mass. After a residence of four years, they returned to New Brunswick and lived at Digdegush up to last November when they rented the old McGowan house at New River. They had been married for about 19 years and nine children were born, the eldest Annie WARD being now 17 years, while the youngest is a child of four. (see original)
